What is the objective of the "Hotline"?
The hotline can be used to create dialogue between HeadHunter, its clients and partners.
The hotline allows the caller to report confidentially on cases of corruption, fraud, discrimination and other violations of Russian Federation law by HeadHunter employees.
What types of violations can I report on?
The list below shows the violations you can report on using the "Hotline":
potential or past cases of corruption, fraud or theft
cases characterised by a conflict of interests
the abuse of positions and rank
illegal financial operations
social-labor conflicts
breach of Code of Business Conduct of HeadHunter
other actions or inaction that violate current Russian Federation law.
How do I best provide information to the Hotline?
You can provide information using the method most convenient for you, by:
sending a message to the email address hh-hotline@delret.ru
leaving a message on the website www.hh-hotline.delret.ru
call the toll-free number +7 (800) 500-00-39.
All of the above operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Acceptance of calls by the BST operator is carried out on weekdays from 9 to 19 hours Moscow time.
What information do I need to provide when contacting the Hotline?
Please provide a brief outline of the incident, which should include:
the main aspects of the incident
where and when the incident occurred (indicate the division address, date and time)
the circumstances under which you became aware of the incident
HeadHunter employees or agents involved the incident
details on whether the incident is ongoing or has ended? If the incident has ended, please indicate the date and time it ended
evidence supporting the information in the message (documents, full names of anyone involved, contact details, correspondence, photographs and other supporting documents)
other additional information you would like to provide.
Who deals with any messages received by the hotline?
To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information received, any messages received by the Hotline will be processed by and external independent company BST.
BST will compile a daily register of messages received and send it to the responsible person in HeadHunter.
The responsible person in HeadHunter will verify any messages received for their compliance with violation reports and determine whether a review or other measures stipulated by company policy and Russian Federation law are required.
All information received is strictly confidential and may not be divulged or forwarded to third parties.
How can I guarantee that any information I provide regarding fraud, corruption and other abuses by company HeadHunter mployees remains anonymous?
You have the choice not to provide your name and details when reporting an incident. Both types of report will be considered.
To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information received, any messages received by the Hotline will be processed by an external independent company BST, which can serve as a channel for the exchange of information between you and HeadHunter.
HeadHunter guarantees the confidentiality of information provided and not to allow discrimination anyone providing information. HeadHunter reserves the right to take adequate measures against anyone destroing or concealing evidence supporting information provided.
Can I be sure that information provided will be considered?
ALL information on the following violations will be considered:
potential or past cases of corruption, fraud or theft
cases characterised by a conflict of interest
cases of the abuse of position and rank
the misstatement of financial and management reporting
other actions or inaction that violate current Russian Federation law.
Please note that intentionally false statements to the Hotline can bring accountability in accordance with current Russian Federation law.
How long will it take to review information provided on cases of fraud, corruption and other abuses by HeadHunter employees?
Any information received will be processed on the day it is received.
The review period depends on the completeness and accuracy of the information provided, on whether supporting documents have been provided and on the type of violation.
HeadHunter is interested in ensuring all information received is processed effectively and in good time.
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